Our Sustainability Promise



• we will strengthen cultural relationships and mutual understanding in a province that values its diversity and in a world that needs it

• we will support the personal and professional development of people in our team so that “our company works for the people in it”

• we will focus our corporate energies on communities that are marginalized and help their leaders to develop them



• we will manage our projects and corporate affairs in a way that is fiscally responsible and positioned for growth

• we will keep a “no-overhead promise” in project costing by being prudent about our corporate operations

• we will only make promises we can keep, even if that means declining short-term revenue opportunities: this will ensure we have a positive long-term reputation

• our network of local suppliers will create economic opportunity beyond our books

• we will promote local capacity development in the communities where we work

• we will create opportunities for mentoring and apprenticeship and invest in the transfer of employable skills to people who want to develop them

• we will model fairness and generosity and the practice of “giving back”



• materials will be piloted in limited quantities

• environmentally-friendly products will be used

• we will focus on the design and production of collateral materials that have perceived value to audiences, so that these materials are less likely to be summarily discarded

• our network of local suppliers will minimize our carbon footprint

• materials will be shared electronically wherever possible

• our newly renovated offices will achieve responsible energy use and recovery

• we will conduct activities “remotely” as much as possible, to minimize our travel and fuel consumption

• we will be stewards of our green spaces